Is there going to be a world war iii
Is there going to be a world war iii

Moreover, since the country has joined the United Nations in 1971, it has maintained a Swiss like disinclination from any kind of foreign intertwining and having no diplomatic relations with the United States as well. Bhutan being surrounded by the Himalayas makes it landlocked and concealed enough to be left unscathed. But the truth is that its unique location and landscape provides it with an excellent shelter through any apocalyptic disaster. Seeing Bhutan in this list might be surprising because it shares borders with two potential World War III combatants, India and China. And, even if the nukes somehow ended up landing there, most of the the Swiss populace is heavily armed with bunkers all around the territory not to mention the mountains shielding them from the neighbour war-torn countries.

is there going to be a world war iii

But, nukes will not be landing on Switzerland due to its tough mountainous terrain, staunch traditional neutrality, and with a slight humourous touch, Swiss Bank! Switzerland has also undoubtedly proved itself to be a safe haven during Europe’s bloody past. 8- SwitzerlandĪlthough Switzerland shares its borders with Germany, France and Italy which are likely to take active part in the World War III. But, most likely it will be just left alone having nothing to do with the outside world at war. Moreover, it’s mountainous terrains shall provide shelter if ever it falls in the brink of invasion. As it has fertile soil and clean water and it produces its own food. Much like Tuvalu, it is capable to support itself in short term. It’s friendly foreign policy gained fourth spot in the Global Peace Index.

is there going to be a world war iii

New Zealand is another sequestered, yet developed nation, with a stable democracy and no history of gory war conflicts.

Is there going to be a world war iii